March 10, 2014
Here is a photo taken as we left the Kicheche Bush Camp with the staff:
We decided to squeeze in one last game drive on our way to the small private airstrip where Me to We was going to pick us up. We saw a Martial Eagle clutching its prey – a dead aardwolf cub, in its claws.
Two jackals moved in and the Eagle dropped the prey. After inspecting the dead cub, the jackals left. Then things got really interesting. The vultures were already assembling and two jackals continued circling.
First, a vulture, nonchalantly sidled over to the carcass, trying to look casual. Suddenly, it grabbed it in its beak, and tried to take off with it. Unfortunately, it was too heavy. The vulture walked about 20 metres along the ground while trying to lift off. It had to drop the carcass and re-evaluate the plan.
In the meantime, the Martial Eagle swooped down to defend its kill, which resulted in a scuffle and both birds flying off temporarily.
In the meantime, a jackal came up to the carcass and carried it off in its mouth.
The jackal did not get far before a hyena appeared.
The jackal dropped the cub and the hyena trotted off to its nest, unbothered, to feed its own baby.
We had our last breakfast picnic out on the savannah and it was glorious. Livingston and Nelson were great guides and we learned so much from them. It was a bit sad to say goodbye to them at the Ngerende Airstrip, but we were eager to reunite with Kate and start the next part of our adventure – the real reason why we came to Kenya in the first place: our Me to We trip.