Japan #6 – School Days

In spite of doing everything right, I am still feeling the effects of jet lag. I went to bed last night at 10:30 but then woke up at 3:30 and couldn’t go back to sleep. Not great because I was starting class this morning at 10. I headed over a bit early because I had to pay for my tuition. Unfortunately my credit cards didn’t work in their machine – they suspected that perhaps the chip wasn’t compatible with their reader. In any case, I had to go to an ATM where I had to do three separate withdrawals from some reason and was charged a service charge for each one…

I have 6 other students in my class: 3 from Taiwan, 1 from Thailand, 1 from China and one from the US. I am the oldest by far, but that doesn’t seem to matter. It was intense, but I enjoyed it. The focus was purely on speaking which was exactly what I need. I really liked the instructor too. I had lunch at the conveyor belt sushi place again – this time with one of the other students who has been there for a month already. He informed me that the teachers change up everyday – not the best news from a consistency perspective, but I am looking forward to the rest of the week nonetheless. Also, the restaurant wasn’t as good as it was last night – fewer choices. But, sushi in Japan is still sushi in Japan.

Erez landed last night and met up with his boss today. He had a long day full of paperwork and touring and challenging red tape at the municipal office, but is slowly unravelling one challenge at time. He is exhausted, but has a good attitude, so he will be fine.

I do not have too much to report as it was pouring rain all day, and I had a lot of homework that took me forever to do. Now I am just trying to stay up until close to 10pm so I can try to kick the jet lag- I do not want to be up at 3:30 again.

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